Breakwater Cove Marina is a beautifully located, clean, environmentally friendly & well-maintained facility. We share our docks with abundant wildlife such as sea otters, sea lions and a diverse variety of sea & shore birds. We are a deep-water marina consisting of 100 slips complete with amenities such as water, power, Wi-Fi, fuel dock, oil, bilge and head pump outs, dockside repair, chandlery, restrooms, hot showers and laundry room. For your comfort and convenience there is a dock hand on the premises to assist you with further needs or general advice.
Yacht clubs and groups welcome. Guest berthing available for vessels up to 200’.
We monitor VHF channels 9 and 16
Reservations (831) 373-7857
Monday-Friday 8 - 12 & 1 - 5
Weekends: Call our Fuel Dock (831) 647-9402